Extended Depth-of-Field Lensless Imaging Using an
Optimized Radial Mask
About this Topic:
Lensless cameras possess significant advantages when compared to lens-based ones. By replacing the lens with a coded aperture, the camera device can be made lighter, smaller, amenable towards compressive sensing techniques, and can be designed with less physical constraints. We leverage this freedom of design to propose a novel optimized coded mask that effectively extends the depth of field of a lensless camera. In this webinar, the presenter will start by introducing the concept of lensless imaging along with the reason as to why general lensless cameras have a limited depth of field. He will follow by presenting their proposal of using a radial coded mask to extend the camera’s depth of field, as well as their novel optimization procedure that enforces a radial-like-structure on the mask while optimizing its modulation transfer function response. Finally, he will showcase multiple experimental results that confirm both the extended depth-of-field capabilities as well as improved reconstruction image quality of their lensless imager. The current limitations of our work as well as potential future research directions will also be discussed.
About the Presenter:
José Reinaldo Cunha Santos A. V. Silva Neto received the B.S. degree in engineering and the M.S. degree in computer science from the University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, in 2019 and 2021 respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer science at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Alongside his Ph.D. course, he currently works part-time as a specially appointed researcher with the Institute of Scientific Industrial Research (SANKEN) at the University of Osaka, Osaka, Japan. His current research focuses on computational photography, with a special emphasis on lensless imaging. Additional research interests include computer vision focused on gait analysis, inverse imaging tasks, and deep learning applied to image reconstruction with a focus on diffusion models.
Mr. Neto’s awards and honors include a MEXT scholarship to pursue his Ph.D. in Japan, and a presentation award in the 13th Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP).
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